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About Me

Finding Mandee is a lifestyle blog dedicated to helping military spouses find their way through this chaos we call life.

I’m Amanda, a 30-ish Army wife and mom to two spunky little girls. No matter how meticulously I try to plan my life, I usually find myself in unforeseen places, doing unexpected things.  

(Fun Fact: I HATE pictures of myself, but my crazy-talented friend took this one for me & it’s bearable.)

Case in point, I once found myself landing in South Korea during the Yeonpyeong bombings of 2010. I have found myself in my living room at 2 a.m. stuffing plastic gloves with Halloween candy. I regularly find myself making list after list, as a way to make me feel like I have my life together.

This is not how I envisioned my life at all: away from the comfort and familiarity of my small town and big family. This military life is a weird mix of boredom and adventure.

I’ve been an Army wife to an enlisted soldier for more than 10 years, trying to bloom where the Army plants us. Though I can’t claim to know it all, I hope that my experiences can help you navigate the murky waters of military travel, surviving deployments, and how to embrace those white (base-housing) walls. This is the place where I share it all.

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